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Balanset-1A: Precision Balancing and Vibration Analysis in One Device


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Balanset-1A is a compact and powerful tool allowing for dynamic balancing and vibration analysis in the field. It is designed for balancing various rotors, such as shafts, pulleys, motor rotors, pumps, compressors, propellers, mulchers, combines, and more.


Vibrometer Mode:

Tachometer: Precise rotational speed measurement (RPM).
Phase: Helps determine the phase angle of vibration signals, which is crucial for accurate diagnostics.
1x Vibration: Measures and analyzes vibration at the operating rotational frequency.
FFT Spectrum: Detailed representation of the frequency spectrum of vibration signals.
Overall Vibration: Measurement and monitoring of overall vibration levels.
Measurement Log: Storage of measurement data for analysis.

Balancing Mode:

Single-Plane Balancing: Balancing rotors in one plane to reduce vibration.
Two-Plane Balancing: Dynamic balancing of rotors in two planes.
Polar Plot: Visualization of imbalance in the form of a polar plot for accurate weight placement.
Session Recovery: Allows resumption of the previous balancing session.
Tolerance Calculator (ISO 1940): Calculation of permissible imbalance according to the ISO 1940 standard.
Grinding Wheel Balancing: Special mode for precise balancing of grinding wheels.


Overall Vibration Graphs: Graphical representation of overall vibration for easy analysis.
1x Vibration Graphs: Shows vibration at the operating rotational frequency.
Harmonic Graphs: Helps identify the presence and degree of influence of harmonic components of vibration.
Spectral Graphs: Represents the vibration spectrum, allowing for the identification of various issues.

Additional Features:

Archive: Allows you to create an archive of your balancing sessions.
Reports: Generates reports on the performed balancing.
Repeat Balancing: Simplifies rebalancing thanks to saved data.
Production Line Balancing: Optimized for balancing a large number of similar rotors.
Balanset-1A also offers flexibility in choosing between metric and imperial measurement systems, ensuring ease of use anywhere in the world.
Price: €1751

Balanset-1A Package Includes:

Interface block
Two vibration sensors
Optical sensor (laser tachometer) with magnetic stand
Weighing scales
Software (Note: laptop not included, can be ordered separately)
Plastic transport case

Advantages of Balanset-1A:

High Efficiency and Quality: Balanset-1A provides high efficiency and quality in performing diagnostic and technological operations.
Ease of Use: The device is has a simple and clear interface, allowing you to quickly start working.
Customization to Client Needs: Balanset-1A flexibly adjusts to your tasks, allowing you to solve tasks of any complexity in the field of balancing and vibration analysis.
Affordable Price: Balanset-1A is offers an excellent price-quality ratio, making it an ideal option for those who want to get a professional tool at a reasonable price.
High Repeatability of Results: The device uses several "know-how" techniques that significantly increase the repeatability of amplitude and phase vector vibration measurement results, enabling the achievement of minimal levels of residual imbalance.


Balanset-1A is a indispensable assistant for balancing and vibration diagnostics, which will help you improve the quality of your products, reduce maintenance costs, and increase equipment safety.

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A Regulated United Europe procura constantemente melhorar o seu desempenho e o nivel de servicos prestados, com base no feedback constante dos clientes e na captura das necessidades do mercado de servicos juridicos em varios paises europeus. O tempo de resposta as perguntas/e-mails dos clientes tambem e reduzido ao minimo.
Na area dos precos, a Regulated United Europe tambem esta a tentar adaptar-se as necessidades dos clientes, fornecendo um preco fixo para a maioria dos servicos juridicos prestados, apesar de na maioria dos paises europeus serem aplicadas principalmente taxas legais horarias.
Prestamos aconselhamento juridico e apoio diario aos nossos clientes em todas as fases da implementacao do seu projeto. Solucoes complexas sao desenvolvidas por uma equipe de advogados experientes individualmente para cada cliente.
financeira. Estamos comprometidos em expandir as fronteiras corporativas tradicionais e oferecer novas oportunidades de startups para clientes em todo o mundo. O nosso objectivo e acrescentar valor aos negocios internacionais, aproveitando as possibilidades ilimitadas da Uniao Europeia durante a sua ascensao tecnologica e facilitando decisoes empresariais perfeitas com apenas um clique de distancia.
Trabalho em equipe
Na Regulated United Europe , reconhecemos que a eficacia do nosso trabalho depende dos esforcos coletivos de cada membro da equipa. A nossa visao centra-se no apoio mutuo e na colaboracao diaria, impulsionada pelo envolvimento com clientes, parceiros e colegas. Integramos valores corporativos em todos os aspectos de nossas operacoes, enfatizando a importancia de definir metas realistas, assumir a responsabilidade corporativa pelas decisoes da equipe e acompanhar os projetos ate a conclusao.
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